In The Spiritual Super Market.
I had this dream once. The whole of the human race was marching up the hill towards enlightenment. I was there too, elbow-to-elbow, amid the general throng. There was a sense of elation and bustling expectation.
Then, as we were nearing the top I began to notice all these little scenes.
Two people were sitting in the dust by the path comparing hands and feet.
“Look,” one of them was saying, with child-like wonder, “we have fingers. And toes.”
And they giggled.
I think I meant that since we are spiritual beings having a human experience, learning how to be fully human is part of that process. And, yes, I do think that compassion and empathy, and laughter and friendship, and small acts of kindness all come into this. "Love" is a very portentous word for the accumulation of small things.
Well, I guess, in the beginning it was all a mystery, without a map, then you have a look around at all this 'stuff'; 'spiritual' and otherwise,( a scan of what's going on to broaden your horizons), then return to yourself, as you originally were, only a little or a lot wiser with much more to learn before the last breath.
Trying not to be too cynical and negative and staying open to your hearts' and heads journey.
Although I did hear say that cynicism is enlightenment.
Too much just makes one a sad ole' git.
Sometimes it's perfection to sit in the dappled shade with the dog you love; breeze blowing through the trees, wanting to be nowhere else; wanting to be no one else.
Enlightenment... Pure bliss.
' Far from the Madding Crowd'
Simple soul, me, sometimes.
Maddy (and Mouse).
I remember that dream too
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